Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yummy Desitin

Just in case anyone was wondering, Desitin is not poisonous. I know because I had to call the Poison Control Center when my son decided to eat it.

I now have 3 followers! (One of them is me!) Thanks to my sisters for actually caring about what's going on down here!
Sam has been up to no good! If I don't keep him entertained 24/7, we are in trouble! Today he played over at Seabee Lake. Rather then playing on the playground, he had to play in the disgusting puddle. He got a new bath toy today. He LOVES it! He was always in the tub as it was! I think he's going to have a great time playing with Kendra next week!
Meredith is growing...but yet she's still not sleeping. She started cereal about a week ago but she's still having trouble with the spoon. Sam actually makes himself vomit when he sees her spit. Its terrible.
I've been working on some projects around the house. I've got my clothes sorted out. I have about 3 trash bags full of stuff to donate. I'm going to let Steph go through it first because a lot of it is brand new! I organized some kitchen cabinets and hope to finish the rest of them. Exciting. I know! The dog is annoying the crap out of me. If you know anyone who wants an anti-social Schnauzer, let me know.
Well, that's my life in a nutshell! I can't wait to get to PA in about a month. Although, they changed my flight coming home. We now have a 6 hour layover in Memphis. If they had a USO, it would be fine, but they don't. I'm gonna see about changing that.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I haven't been "blogging" in awhile. Mostly because TJ never reads it and he's the reason I started this thing! Oh well, maybe I can amuse someone with my ramblings! This past week was a roller coaster kind of week. I was doing really well since TJ left, then all of a sudden I was completely overwhelmed. Nothing really even changed in our daily life, I just couldn't deal. Things got better, then I was down again. I was crying to TJ via webcam, telling him I couldn't do this. At that point, it was mostly because Sam was having a breakdown too. Now things are better again.
I had some training to do with the FRG. This originally sounded like a great idea but now I just think some of these women are insane and I'd rather not associate with them. Well I'm stuck now so I'm making do, trying to make the best of this deployment.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Dad, Jan, Steph, and Kendra in about 2 weeks. It will be nice to not be outnumbered by children. I'm hoping I might get to take a nap and a nice hot bath. I'm sure we'll do some sight seeing too but mostly I just want to hang out and enjoy some company.
I have a cleaning lady coming tomorrow. Yay! I'm hoping having a clean house will make me feel better. I'm also hoping once I get caught up, I'll be able to stay caught up and move on to some organization projects I've been wanting to tackle. Maybe my visitors will help! (I need some help in the yard, too!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day! My wonderful hubby sent me flowers today. He's more romantic when he's away! Our day was so-so. Meredith didn't sleep very well last night. I'm tempted to wean her, in hopes that she will sleep better but I'm not quite ready to give it up yet! We spent the morning at a friend's house. Sam and her girls played outside in the mud puddles. It was actually pretty fun and will probably do it again! We both got out our cameras and took some shots of the kids playing. We spent the evening at another friend's house for dinner. I am so thankful for my friends. They made V-Day go by quickly.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Today was a boring, rainy day. We went to Sam's Club early in the morning to buy a few things for home and to send to TJ. Sam always expects samples when we there. He was not too happy when they didn't have any out.
Sam got to play outside for a little while this afternoon. He stole a spoon out of the drawer and took it out with him. He was using it as a shovel. I'm pretty sure he was trying to dig his way to Romania!
I got my new camera yesterday! It is awesome. Look for lots of pictures as I figured out how to post them on here!
We didn't get to talk to Papa Stocking yesterday so we were all very excited to talk to him today. He looks really tired but seems to be in good spirits!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Welcome to A Day in the Life of Us. I'm going to try to keep this blog up to date as a way to keep Daddy and other family in the loop. A day in our life isn't all that interesting to your average folk but to us, its great entertainment! Currently, Sam has just bypassed the tortilla pizza I had lovingly made for lunch and has gone for the dirt instead. Yummo! Meredith is sitting in her swing, with her shirt up of course, and staring at the mobile like she's never seen it before. Who knows? Maybe she hasn't, I don't know how good her eyesight is! I am currently sweating in my jeans and sweater because its almost 80 degrees outside. In my defense, it wasn't when I got dressed 4 hours ago. I am off to torture my son with a little bit of nap time while I (not so patiently) wait for my new dSLR to come!